$68.00 USD

Ride away with this unique dandy horse wax seal necklace pendant, an archetype of the bicycle ... great gift for the cyclist or casual bike rider.  Historic wax seal jewelry.

The dandy gentleman wearing his top hat is pushing along the ground with his feet on the two wheeled dandy horse under the sentiment WE ALL HAVE OUR HOBBIES.
There are no pedals, this was before the invention of the bicycle, and riders had to operate the dandy horse by walking it along, gathering speed until they could coast for a while.

- approximate measurement - 5/8” x almost 3/4" (17mm x 18mm)
- wax seal charm metal - sterling silver (.925 silver)
- photographed with a US dime and 1" ruler for scale
- chain - a sterling silver cable chain with a spring ring clasp
- select the necklace chain length or just the charm at checkout

Impressed from a late Georgian era (1714–1837) - early Victorian (1837 - 1901) swivel bezel set watch fob wax seal.

Find more chains here.

The dandy horse was invented in 1817 by Karl Friedrich Christian Ludwig Freiherr Drais von Sauerbronn and he took his first documented ride on July 12, 1817, setting out from the city of Mannheim and covering a distance of about 13 kilometers in one hour.
He also called it the Draisienne walking machine or Draisienne running machine, Other names for this predecessor to the bicycle are Laufmaschine (1817 German for "running machine), hobby horse, running machine and similarly the Vélocipède (France) bicycle.

Impressed with history!